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Wed 23rd Aug 2023 -
Mon 21st Aug -
Mon 21st Aug - 2pm to 5pm
Tue 22nd Aug - 10am to 1pm
Tue 22nd Aug - 2pm to 5pm
Wed 23rd Aug - 9am to 10am
Mon 21st Aug - 2pm to 5pm
Tue 22nd Aug - 10am to 1pm
Tue 22nd Aug - 2pm to 5pm
Wed 23rd Aug - 9am to 10am
Collectors Sale Coins, Stamps, Toys, Militaria. Also Jewellery, Furniture & Effects.
Stamps, coins, Toys & Collectables also General Antiques & Good Modern Furniture. 19th Century to Modern China & Art Potteries & tested electrical items.
970 Lots
Lot 237
2 CRATES OF DIECAST VEHICLES, 1 crate mix of Corgi, Maistro, Matchbox; fire engines, racing cars, sport cars, etc, also crate including Matchbox low loader, Post Office van, Matchbox hovercraft, Matchbox Superkings Hercules mobile crane, Corgi 007 Aston Martin, etc, all in played with condition.Hammer: £ 18
Lot 243
EDDIE STOBART, collection of special edition Eddie Stobart vehicles, 8 boxed Eddie Stobart vehicles to include a Volvo FH Mobile, AEC Tipper, Atkinson 3 axle dropside, Scanner 110 flatbed, etc, all with COAs, tin of Eddie Stobart coasters, 2 boxed Eddie Stobart pocket watches, etc, also 6 various boxed Corgi diecast models.Hammer: £ 30
Lot 253
CORGI CLASSICS, 12 various Corgi Classic boxed vehicles, White Brewery truck, Jacob Rupertts, Seddon Atkinson horse transporter set, John Jameson Scammell Highway ballast and trailer, Atkinson 8 wheel rigid with crates, Morris J van and Bedford O series van, yellow coach 743 silverside, etc.Hammer: £ 85