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Thu 11th May 2023 -
Tue 9th May -
Tue 9th May - 2pm to 5pm
Wed 10th May - 10am to 1pm
Wed 10th May - 2pm to 5pm
Thu 11th May - 9am to 10am
Tue 9th May - 2pm to 5pm
Wed 10th May - 10am to 1pm
Wed 10th May - 2pm to 5pm
Thu 11th May - 9am to 10am
Fine Art & Antique Sale - Note - Sale Day on Thursday
Fine Antique Auction to include: Oriental, European & English Ceramics. Georgian, Victorian & Edwardian Furniture. Quality Jewellery, silver & Object D'Art, Silver and plated wares, Pictures, Prints & books etc.
914 Lots