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Sale Days
Thu 7th May 2015 -
Antique & Selected Sale
Ceramics, Pottery & Glassware Lenci flower girl, Royal Dux figures, Eastern ceramics, Border fine arts figures etc Metals & Miscellaneous Inc Binocular microscope by Negretti, Eastern signed bronze of peasant, large Guinness Gilroy poster, bracket clocks, music box, A Library of books Inc. Morris’s “British Birds”, Thorburns “British Birds”, J.Wolf “Pheasant drawings” 250 lots of Jewellery & HM silver inc gold pocket watch, Omega, Rolex & other quality wrist watches, large diamond solitaire & multi stone rings & other stone set rings, collection Georgian, Victorian & Edwardian silver Pictures J.E Millais portrait sketch, Laura Knight pencil study, J.Wilson pair maritime oils, R.Perry – pair riverscape oils, Fred Yates oils- Newquay & floral still life, Nancy Bailey, J.Laurence Hart watercolours, J.Jessop Hardwick watercolours etc Usual 18th- 20th Century Furniture inc. 6 longcase clocks, Georgian & later furniture 900 lots in total
Tuesday 5th May 2 pm-7 pm
Wednesday 6th May 10 am-1 pm & 2 pm-5 pm & Morning of sale from 9am
Tuesday 5th May 2 pm-7 pm
Wednesday 6th May 10 am-1 pm & 2 pm-5 pm & Morning of sale from 9am
902 Lots